Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Waiting Continues... Still

There has still been no response from Atari. I post merely to inform you that we haven't given up just yet.

Things are looking grim in regards to getting a patch for the game, but a couple of Atari forum members have found some things that seem to improve gameplay to some extent. In addition to this, some interesting, to say the least, internet port usage has been uncovered by forum members. There is speculation that this is tied to the reason that online performance is so poor.

Forum members End_of_All and Joh have handled most of this, so be on the look out for their posts (in the last few pages of the lengthy tread). You can view the thread here:

Aside from this, many forum members, myself included, have decided to give Atari until the end of the work week to give us a response (we have literally heard nothing). If this does not happen, many of us will be returning our games to used game retailers out of our disgust for the company's customer service.

Here's to hoping for the best.



Anonymous said...

Kendrick, please finish the blog with your final thoughts.

Kemari said...

You suck!

Unknown said...

yeah can you please finish the blog,on whether Atari will give us the patch,and if you sold it already,cause i plan on doing the same

Anonymous said...

Any news anymore? It's like 2 years later...did they just give up?

ankino said...

Maybe it is finished. I can't wait them to finish the big work.! Good luck to all and we hope for more!

Tommy J said...

how much do we need to wait? :((( From when can i start doing it? Thanks for the news anyways!

Rayden A said...

Oki, i understood. But until when? Or you can post an article to know when it will be online? Thanks in advance!

Dbz fan said...

August 2011 and still no word and no patch. Online lag as bad as it has ever been. The best shot we have is another DBZ game with better online. Sorry said...

Screw you nintendo with your horrible servers!! ITS ALMOST 2013